A New Graduate Are you a new grad and don’t know where to start your career? Start on the right path for you! Planning Your Pharmacy Path includes a strength assessment that, along with the Career Paths program, will point you in the right direction. You also get...
A Retail Pharmacist Are you a pharmacist seeking positive change in your career and personal life? At The Happy PharmD, we understand the obstacles you face – from imposter syndrome to oppressive work environments and burnout. We’ve been there too, and...
An Entrepreneur Are you a pharmacist who thinks outside of the box? At The Happy PharmD, we understand the unique challenges and aspirations of pharmacists turned entrepreneurs. Our commitment is to provide you with tailored guidance and unwavering support, helping...
Seeking Balance You are seeking the ever elusive work/life balance that will allow you to enjoy your time with family, friends, hobbies and vacations. As well, maintaining a healthy work/life balance is vital for pharmacists. It safeguards our well-being, reduces...
Looking For a Change If you don’t know which group you most connect with, you’re not alone. Sometimes we’re so stuck inside ourselves that we can’t see straight. That’s really when we need coaching the most. A coach will help you figure out where you are and where you...