In a world where pharmacy chains are constantly shifting and adapting, the story of Target’s foray into the pharmacy business is a compelling one. It all began in the early 1990s when Target decided to add pharmacies to its retail empire, a bold move...
In 1962, Rite Aid began its journey as a humble health and beauty store known as Thrift E Discount Center. Over the decades, it transformed into a pharmacy powerhouse, expanding through strategic acquisitions to over 2,000 stores by 2022. Despite its...
Walgreens, a cornerstone of American drugstore chains, evokes mixed sentiments among pharmacists nationwide. As the founder of The Happy PharmD, I delve into the complexities behind these sentiments and what they mean for pharmacists considering careers at Walgreens....
I participated in many meetings as a hospital pharmacy manager. Every month, my pharmacy department held a staff meeting. At these meetings, both my pharmacists and pharmacy technicians expressed what was right and wrong about the department and the hospital....
I think I first realized it when I was working at my first hospital. My hospital had a unique financial blueprint. They paid their bills went they wanted to. It didn’t matter what the amount was or when the bill was due, or what the terms were. It seemed that they...
I had a stroke. I remember it like it was yesterday. I’m retired. I was volunteering at one of my former hospitals. I worked at the information desk. Visitors arrived at the hospital, got a pass, and went up to see the patient. I did the COVID screening. COVID...