Meet The Coach: Nazan Artun

Nazan Artun

Happy PharmD Coach

Dr. Nazan Artun is a true renaissance woman: a pharmacist, board-certified coach, and award-winning singer-songwriter-guitarist. She holds a doctoral degree in Biotechnology with a focus on Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine.

After moving to the United States from her hometown of Ankara, Turkey, she became a board-certified pharmacist in Massachusetts. She has gained a wealth of diverse experiences in her field, from establishing hospital pharmacy departments to working in the pharmaceutical industry, clinical research, and academia. As well as teaching and presenting widely, she has authored numerous peer-reviewed scientific and opinion articles.

To fulfill her imaginative and creative side, Nazan turned to the arts and dedicated another considerable part of her life to pursue a parallel career in music. As a multi-award-winning songwriter, performer, and founder of the Neotolia Fusion Jazz Band, she has released three award-winning music albums and toured the United States, Canada, Turkey, and the Netherlands. Having inspired and entertained people from all walks of life worldwide, she also takes pride in mentoring future performers. Though transporting an already established career to a new country was a challenge, Nazan never allowed the obstacles she faced to hold her back. With hard work and tenacity, she built a creative career and a scientific one simultaneously, earning her Ph.D. between gigs and studio sessions.

Nazan’s coaching career springs from years of interest in self-development, mindfulness, mentoring, and communication. Having a successful track record in health sciences, composing and performing arts/music, acclimating to new work environments, and integrating into new customs and cultures put her in the unique position to support individuals overcome their obstacles and achieve their goals. Her inquisitive nature and love for solving problems also allowed her to see the healthcare system’s improvable aspects.

She now helps leaders in healthcare and pharma improve their executive performance, tap into their creativity, overcome imposter syndrome, gain clarity on their goals, communicate genuinely and confidently, and navigate office dynamics—not just to advance themselves personally, but to create healthier and more compassionate work environments with less staff turnover and burnout.

Sandeep Chakrabarty

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