I recently sat down with Brittany to talk about what her experience with our coaching at The Happy PharmD.
First, we started by reflecting on where she was as we started her journey.
Brittany told me, “I felt very overwhelmed with my job.”
While she felt trapped in her situation, she knew there were other opportunities in pharmacy that she wanted to explore and was looking for a “change of scenery”.
Brittany shared with me that she had many goals set for herself in her personal and professional life, but those goals seemed far out of reach.
“It’s not that I wasn’t receiving support from my administration… It was more of a personal thing.”
We went on to discuss how coaching has brought about an opportunity to pursue a different career path.
“Now, my goals are more in alignment, and I work for a company that has my career goals in mind.”
Brittany shared with me how her mindset has changed as a result of the investment she has made in her future through coaching.
“I have clear insight of what I want to do now.”
What would Brittany want someone to know who is considering coaching?
“Be patient. Be open-minded. Trust what your coach says.”
Any other advice?
“Yes. It is OK to toot your own horn.”
I asked Brittany if she would share what the biggest she felt like she received through coaching. Her reply:
“Coaching keeps your mind clear and focused on what your goals should be.”
Brittany recently secured a new position in community pharmacy that is aligned with her long-term goals.
Jackie is a coach at the Happy PharmD. She loves her family, changing the world, and pharmacy. 🙂