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Career Jumpstart Class

Discover a new career path, position yourself as a top candidate, confidently network with job-referring contacts, and leverage your job search time.


Pharmacist Masterclass

Learn how any pharmacist can find fulfillment, have less stress, and take control of their career... even if they don't have relevant experience


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For the pharmacist who wants career transitions fast, work with a Happy Coach through the Indispensable Career Model™.


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Our Blog

Is Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Right For You?

Is Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Right For You?

Are you curious about emergency medicine pharmacy and whether or not it's something that you should consider as a career choice? Well, you're not alone. Lots of other people have thought the same thing, and in this discussion, we'll dive into the nitty-gritty details...

Is Critical Care Pharmacy Right For You?

Is Critical Care Pharmacy Right For You?

Is critical care pharmacy worth it? In this exploration, we delve into the highs and lows of a pharmacist's journey in the intensive care unit (ICU). Imagine yourself navigating through the critical corridors where patients, hanging on the brink of life, rely on your...