I like the profession of pharmacy. I’m very happy being a pharmacist. I’m retired. So I’m no longer working as a pharmacist in a pharmacy. Or anywhere else, for that matter. A colleague of mine is also a pharmacist. He, too, is retired. My friend saw no reason to...
Getting Started as a Medical Writer for Pharmacists in the United States and Canada In this special webinar session, I had the pleasure of teaming up with one of the coaches at the Happy PharmD, Janan Sawar, to host our guests Milena Murray, June Stevens, and Warda...
Like many other pharmacists during the COVID pandemic, Nupoor had to take on more responsibilities in addition to the ones she already had. Having to work 16-hour days, the bulk of which was spent on her feet, at work without bathroom or lunch breaks was a tipping...
I enjoy watching TV. Several years ago, actress Patricia Heaton (Everybody Loves Raymond and The Middle) starred in a TV show called “Carol’s Second Act.”. It was about a woman who worked as a teacher. However, later in her life, she left her teaching position and...
If you want to download this guide + 48 other pharmacy career paths for you to access later, you can download it here. This article is a part of a series of The Many Paths of Pharmacy, which has 48 other pharmacy career paths. Summary – Pharmacists in PBM...