Our Pharmacist Career Coaching is based on our Indispensable Career Model. This model is broken into 3 pillars: Clarity, Strategy, and Systems. By following this model, you will be able to build an indispensable pharmacy career that attracts new job opportunities and...
Watch the webinar replay here.In this warm session with Tracy Dabbs (PharmD), Tracy shares details of her life and career journey. She talks about how we helped her move to a non-traditional career from retail that helped her achieve more work-life balance and the...
Over the years, The Happy PharmD has been actively engaged in helping pharmacists create a better future, within and outside the profession. The goal has been to ensure that pharmacists love what they do and get adequately rewarded for it. The feedback from...
When Krista first talked with us at The Happy PharmD, she had a very negative outlook on her career in pharmacy. I hated going to work. I felt like I was in a rut that I was never going to get out of. I was miserable. She thought she would likely be doing the same...
Nana found out about The Happy PharmD after reading Indispensable and seeing our work on social media. After reading through the book, she decided to move forward to find a different and more fulfilling career. She was working at a community pharmacy and part-time at...