Personal branding: where do we get started with this nebulous concept? Alex and I are interested in helping pharmacists create a personal brand that helps you: Stand out amongst the crowd in a way that does not compromise the authentic you. We want you to embrace your...
5 Ways to Maximize Your Time Spent on LinkedIn Is LinkedIn “just another social media platform”? “Is spending time on LinkedIn worth it?” “Where do I even start with LinkedIn?” I would argue that LinkedIn may be the most...
I recently sat down with Brittany to talk about what her experience with our coaching at The Happy PharmD. First, we started by reflecting on where she was as we started her journey. Brittany told me, “I felt very overwhelmed with my job.” While she felt trapped in...
If you’re in the job search, a few easy things that will make you stand out are 1) having strong self-awareness 2) fitting in with the team and 3) being about to tell others about your strengths as well as how you behave in typical work environments (note:...
Recently, I sat down with my coaching client Liz to recap her story and journey through our coaching experience. Liz reached out to us at The Happy PharmD because she was feeling stuck in her career. “I felt like I had made all the wrong choices.” She...