Hi! I’m Jackie – I’m new around here.

by | Apr 4, 2018 | General, HPD Updates


I’m Jackie Boyle.

I’ve met some of you, but definitely not all of you – so I am excited to announce that I have recently joined the #HappyPharmD team as a fellow pharmacy superhero!

Saving pharmacists from unfulfilling work or life situations and pretending to wear an invisible cape/fly through the air in the process. (I always thought the coolest superpower would be flight…)

I’m here as a confidante, learner, and explorer of the world. I hope to spend time with many of you on this journey of pharmacy & life.

I’m a wife, mom, pharmacist, pharmacy organization junkie (*love*), coach, consultant, a believer in God, novice runner, and spinner [as in, on a bike :)].

When I met Alex on LinkedIn in late 2017, I had no idea that my life was about to change. One simple message about coaching and *boom* life-changing opportunity to help with the mission of creating happy pharmacists.

Then, I knew this was the right decision when I saw Calvin and Hobbes cartoons on the website… I knew we would instantly become best friends!

So, now, I’m a part of the team. I’m ready to share experiences with you and others in order to make this place a better world for pharmacists, and for the greater good.

Excited to meet you all!


Sharing is Caring

Creating Happy Pharmacists

If you really want to build the career and life that you’ve dreamed of, one where you are helping people and working in a field that you love, you need to do something different than what you’ve been doing.

Through coaching you can re-discover why you became a pharmacist and find your passion again.