I’m Jackie Boyle.
I’ve met some of you, but definitely not all of you – so I am excited to announce that I have recently joined the #HappyPharmD team as a fellow pharmacy superhero!
Saving pharmacists from unfulfilling work or life situations and pretending to wear an invisible cape/fly through the air in the process. (I always thought the coolest superpower would be flight…)
I’m here as a confidante, learner, and explorer of the world. I hope to spend time with many of you on this journey of pharmacy & life.
I’m a wife, mom, pharmacist, pharmacy organization junkie (*love*), coach, consultant, a believer in God, novice runner, and spinner [as in, on a bike :)].
When I met Alex on LinkedIn in late 2017, I had no idea that my life was about to change. One simple message about coaching and *boom* life-changing opportunity to help with the mission of creating happy pharmacists.
Then, I knew this was the right decision when I saw Calvin and Hobbes cartoons on the website… I knew we would instantly become best friends!
So, now, I’m a part of the team. I’m ready to share experiences with you and others in order to make this place a better world for pharmacists, and for the greater good.
Excited to meet you all!
Jackie is a coach at the Happy PharmD. She loves her family, changing the world, and pharmacy. 🙂