Jackie is a coach at the Happy PharmD. She loves her family, changing the world, and pharmacy. 🙂
Invest in Yourself: Take the Leap into Coaching Today
When Emanual started working with us, he said he felt “stuck, like [I] don’t have any options. Like the situation that [I’m] in is the only route for pharmacy.” He was looking for a way out.
What he found at the time, was that options to work in a hospital-based setting required a residency. As Emanual had not completed residency training, he was losing hope on ever getting out of the community job he felt stuck in.
He described the culture in retail as “just to survive, just to be OK with not having your hard work translate into progress. You have to put in hard work and extra time to make sure that the pharmacy runs the next day.” He felt like his staff around him didn’t care, from their perspective, the “you’re making the big bucks so this is your problem,” culture was not encouraging. He didn’t find his career to be rewarding due to the lack of patient impact, and lack of mutual understanding from both staff and patients.
“I felt very overwhelmed.”
Although it didn’t happen overnight, now, Emanual has a job at a small community hospital. “I’m in a new position where people are receptive to my contributions.” He had just finished the book Extreme Ownership, as recommended by his supervisor, and is now in charge of leading a book club for his pharmacy team. He sees himself as a junior leader for the pharmacy. He discussed with his boss that he wants to bring value to his team and help with big projects. And already has responsibilities with inpatient, outpatient, and ambulatory patient care.
When asked about his coaching experience, Emanual had many positive things to say. “Your coach actually cares. Our personalities really meshed together. She was thoughtful and attentive to small details. I felt like I was being listened to. She was direct with me and all I had to do was put in the hard work.”
He emphasized the compassion we had for his scenario. “It wasn’t about a metric or something else. The heart was in it.”
Emanual encourages others to take the leap into coaching. “Out of our entire pharmacist income, this small chunk is not going to break you – it allows you to invest in yourself. You will surprise yourself as how far you’ll go.”
Creating Happy Pharmacists
If you really want to build the career and life that you’ve dreamed of, one where you are helping people and working in a field that you love, you need to do something different than what you’ve been doing.
Through coaching you can re-discover why you became a pharmacist and find your passion again.