The Happy PharmD 2019 Q1 Report

by | Apr 4, 2019 | General, HPD Updates

2019 marks the first year working on my business full time and it's been exciting, nerve-wracking, and a mixed bag of emotions as I am the sole income for the home. It adds a lot of pressures.

But this pressure has made some great things happen in the first quarter of 2019.

Helped 42 pharmacists start the career transition process

Our career jumpstart masterclass walks pharmacists through a process: from identifying their ideal job and help them create a strategy to get into it.

Released Indispensable with over 1000 books sold.

Indispensable achieved #1 in the pharmacy category for top free books and we have 38 reviews as of 4/2/19.

I previously shared I worked on this book for 17 months. To finally see Indispensable in the world is gratifying to me. But at the same time also kind of scary because once it's out there, everyone's got an opinion about it. And while by and large, most of the opinions have been positive.

The week before releasing my book, I experienced multiple personal disasters (including my step-father-in-law in the ICU) in my life that made me question whether or not this book was even a good idea. But I'm glad it's finally out.

Helped 37 pharmacy students master the interview process for residency

Thru Interview Mastery for Residency we were able to help a few students perform at their best for their residency interviews. We don't have all the data yet for students who did not match because there are some people still trying to find a residency.

Helped 18 pharmacists improve their interview skills with mock interviews.

Interview prep was a problem that we weren't solving in the past.

In Career Jumpstart, the goal is to help people who are just starting in the career transition process, but we were not assisting pharmacists who had job interviews at their ideal companies.

We started mock interviews in February. We helped 18 pharmacists with their skills.

From this, I decided to keep this an on-going service for any pharmacists. You can apply to the application for a complimentary mock interview service.

Of the 18 we helped, 5 pharmacists received job offers. I want to report a higher job offer number but many of the pharmacists said they are waiting to hear back from the employer.

Success Stories!

Multiple success stories have rolled in. I've had quite a few LinkedIn recommendations, but we've also been publishing more success stories on the website of pharmacists who have either transitioned in the new jobs or started entire businesses that are the future of their careers.

How this Pharmacist Created a Successful Medical Writing Business While Working Retail

Quitting CVS – How this Pharmacist Transitioned into a Happier Pharmacy Job

How One Pharmacist Moved Into Hospital Pharmacy with No Prior Experience

Finding A Pharmacy Dream Job is Possible!

Be Happy and Be a Pharmacist: How You Can Become Both, Again

The Pharmacy career coach team.

When I first started HPD (The Happy PharmD), it was just me for a year (2018). I was doing all the coaching, teaching, creating content, leading the company. And it was a lot of work.

I realized that if I wanted to grow, I needed to find people who will have the same passion as me. And I'm lucky enough to say that Jackie BoylePrina Shah and Sandeep Chakrabartyare a part of the team now. Each brings a unique skill set and gifts. It's wonderful to see them grow over the last few month. Can’t wait to share their success stories from the pharmacists they help.

Hired a director of operations.

If there's one thing I'm awful at, it's making all of the details happen in my business.

I'm delighted to be working with Natalie Gingrich. As our integrator, she's the gal behind the scenes making all of the details happen.

Working with her has removed stress. I often found myself waiting until the last minute to complete all project details.

Hired a marketer.

I am blessed with an opportunity to work with someone who's worked with some huge names in the speaker space like Robert Kiyosaki .

Nate Johnson joined us in  October of 2018 as a consultant but started working in a larger capacity as our marketer in January. Hiring a person who can put into words how we help pharmacists is so helpful. Much of our recent success in reaching new audiences is thanks to Nate.

Research projects

Can't talk about this in great detail, but we've started in-depth research projects about careers and pharmacy.

I hope is to change the way pharmacists and students develop their careers.

Hired a new personal coach.

The biggest reason why my business is not more prominent is because of myself.

I am the person who's always in the way for a new endeavor or a new project. It's either I doubt myself or I'm concerned about failure, or frankly, I just don't have enough time.

My new coach has done something very admirable with his own company, Death to Stock Photo. I admire what he's done.

If a coach doesn't have a coach, then they really don't believe in coaching. As one of my book mentors Rich Litvin says in his book (paraphrased quote), “A coach who doesn’t have a coach is like a doctor who doesn’t believe in medicine.”

Q1 Lessons Learned

Time management is key.

I started recording my time in 30-minute increments. From this experiment I learned the activities I waste too much time on and little benefit gained.

2019 Quarter 2 Goals

Now to the future!

10,000 Registered for our free event: The Happy PharmD Summit

Over 20 pharmacist speakers will share different pharmacy career paths and how they got all they got into it so you can too.

Help 80 Pharmacists transition into new jobs

Over the next 3 months I hope to double our growth class from 43 this year to 120.

I'll also be launching a group coaching class where I'll be working with 6-10 pharmacists transition to their next career move; whether in their own company and getting a promotion or transitioning out of pharmacy completely.

Launch a podcast

Yep, This is long overdue. Pharmacy Life was my first pharmacy podcast and it’s time I restarted for HPD.

Launch a Continued Education Course

Can’t say what. Big things are coming 🙂

Prepare for a Sabbatical

You have noticed the odd blog image. “What is that?”

This summer my family (wife and 2 girls) and I will traverse the USA for about 10 weeks from June to August.

We bought a 15 passenger van ($1000 only! Woot woot) for our summer sabbatical trip. We’ll be traveling around the Maybe we’ll hit your city 😉

How was your last 3 months? Did you accomplish your goals? I would love to hear!

Sharing is Caring

Creating Happy Pharmacists

If you really want to build the career and life that you’ve dreamed of, one where you are helping people and working in a field that you love, you need to do something different than what you’ve been doing.

Through coaching you can re-discover why you became a pharmacist and find your passion again.